Category: GameDev

  • Unity Web build configuration

    I always have issues when publishing to a Unity Web target – usually the issues stem from compressed builds. Here is the configuration I use. Build Profiles / Platform Settings Player Settings Player Settings / Resolution and Presentation Player Settings / Other Settings Player Settings / Publishing Settings Apache 2 Add a .htaccess file with…

  • Asteroids

    It’s been a while (I got busy with a new job, and kind of forgotten about doing this gaming series), but the next game I’ve made using Unity is an Asteroids clone. Source code on GitHub.

  • Pong

    The next game I’ve made using Unity is a Pong clone. Supports two players on keyboard. Source code on GitHub.

  • Snek

    The next game I’ve made using Unity is a Snake clone – Snek. Supports two players on keyboard. Source code on GitHub.

  • Floppy Bird

    I’ve played around with Unity a few years ago (which never eventuated in anything), Roblox Studio last year (which was great to introduce programming to my kids), and Unreal Engine this year (which I felt was overwhelmingly the most difficult). I’ve come back to Unity with a view of recreating some simple games to understand…