Adventures in programming and data.
Install Oracle XE 11g R2 on Ubuntu 12.04
I’ve recently had a task of enabling Oracle database support for a JRuby on Rails application. To set up an Oracle database for use on a development environment, there were two preferred options – using Oracle DB on a virtual machine or installing Oracle XE locally. 1. Oracle DB on a virtual machine Oracle kindly…
History of the Bible
I ran a different type of study with our church youth group today where we investigated the history of the Bible. It was a combination of a trivia-style and lecture-style presentation and I’ve uploaded the notes I used. It took a little while to put it together – most of the time was spent reading…
Adding CSRF token to jQuery AJAX requests
When using a jQuery-supported framework such as Backbone, underlying jQuery AJAX requests are typically abstracted at the model layer. To insert Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) tokens or other session data into the request, one method is to proxy a method in the call stack and add the token via an option (example). This does have…
GUS Gives
I was approached two years ago by a colleague from the Queensland Department of Education and Training (DET) to help set up a web application for GUS Gives – a charity portal that collects payments from members and provides detailed analytics for charity organisations. My role was to provide data management support and the first…
Parallel Bible
My 85 year old grandma has been getting into reading various bible translations from her iPad. In order to improve her Hindi reading skills, she was looking for a side-by-side translation of a Malayalam bible and Hindi bible. While we could find Malayalam-English and Hindi-English versions, we couldn’t find a Malayalam-Hindi one that she could…
Reducing Rails asset precompile times on JRuby
Rails asset precompile times on JRuby are considerably slower compared to MRI. I came across this post which provided suggestions on speeding up the asset precompile task. Using the following options – using Node.js instead of therubyrhino for JS compilation, forcing the JVM to 32 bit (although this can be omitted on a 32 bit…
Silencing noise in the Rails development log
The standard Rails development log contains a lot of noise that is rarely meaningful for debugging. The Quiet Assets gem is a mandatory part of my Rails development process as it removes the logging noise of the asset pipeline. Also, if WEBrick is used as a development server, the following entry is logged for each…
Mocking instances created via ActiveRecord’s find
Most Ruby mocking frameworks have the ability to mock a new object created via a constructor. However, when an object is created via ActiveRecord’s find or find_by_* methods, the .new method isn’t invoked. Instead, the .instantiate method is called. For example, to specify :instantiate as the object creation method using FlexMock:
Persisting IRB & Rails Console History
Continuing the theme on customising IRB and Rails Console, add these lines to ~/.irbrc to persist the command history across console sessions: