Author: avin
Auto-Mounting VirtualBox Shared Folders with a Linux Guest OS
VirtualBox has a feature where a folder on the host machine can be shared with a guest VM. VirtualBox can also mount these shared folders automatically when the user logs into the guest OS. For Linux guests, these auto-mounted shared folders are mounted into the /media directory, along with the prefix sf_. For example, the…
History of Christianity
Continuing the theme of history-based studies, the latest youth group study I led was on the History of Christianity. There is an incredible amount of literature available online, and we only covered a small fraction of events from Early Christianity and investigating the major groups of denominations. We also had a look at how Christianity…
Intro to Data Modelling
When I was working for the Information and Data Management practice at SMS Management & Technology a few years back, I was asked to run a workshop for the Business Analysis Focus Group on data modelling. I put together an introductory presentation on data modelling targeted towards business analysts, which was a refresher on terminology…
Using Rails’ descendants in development
Rails provides a nice method descendants that returns all subclasses for a specified class. However, config.cache_classes = false is a default setting in development.rb (for the ability to reload classes on the fly) and as this tells Rails not to load classes until they are referenced, then calling descendants will generally return an empty array…
I decided to do a series of studies for our church youth group on various religions and started with Islam as Muslims form the second largest religious group globally. The intent was to cover the fundamentals of the Islamic faith, common terms that people may have come across, a brief history, and Islam’s relation to…
Malayalam TV
Like most of the older folk in my ethnic community, my grandparents enjoy watching Malayalam television programming. They had jumped on the satellite bandwagon a few years ago and got good mileage out of it. However, at the end of 2011, Asianet, one of the primary channels they watch, moved from Insat 2E to Intelsat…
Coloured directory listings in PowerShell
By default, PowerShell outputs drab directory listings. Unfortunately, there’s no built in solution to turning on colour, but it is possible with a few steps. This StackOverflow post gets us most of the way there. Towards the bottom of the question is some code that enables colourised output. I’ve modified it to suit my purposes…
Moving to a Windows JRuby on Rails development environment
tl;dr I recently set up a JRuby on Rails development environment on Windows after using Mac OS X and Ubuntu VMs. It’s noticeably faster for development and more comfortable. I’ll stick with it. When I was first starting JRuby on Rails development, I started with a Mac OS X environment running from VirtualBox. I chose…
Install Oracle XE 11g R2 on Ubuntu 12.04
I’ve recently had a task of enabling Oracle database support for a JRuby on Rails application. To set up an Oracle database for use on a development environment, there were two preferred options – using Oracle DB on a virtual machine or installing Oracle XE locally. 1. Oracle DB on a virtual machine Oracle kindly…
History of the Bible
I ran a different type of study with our church youth group today where we investigated the history of the Bible. It was a combination of a trivia-style and lecture-style presentation and I’ve uploaded the notes I used. It took a little while to put it together – most of the time was spent reading…